
Here are 20 of the hottest grey hair looks you should be aiming for!

The ad agencies and beauty magazines insist that gray hair makes you look older but these pictures are proof that is simply not true. Take a peek and find out for yourself and get inspired! You might find that you want to go gray as well! Inspirational Women’s over 50 years old and their stories. Let’s beat aging! Stevie Lynn Stevie Lynn @silverilocks Disclaimer: foul language is used... if that is what offends you then you have a pretty charmed existence - be grateful instead. - - There was a time in my life when I was so insecure, I trembled whenever I had to face a group of people. This insecurity was not unwarranted because in my early years, I was incessantly made fun of. In fact, it seemed that picking on me was a productive, team building activity at my elementary school playground. It separated the leaders (those who were picking on me) from the followers (those who were laughing at me.) The teachers were concerned too, and were always bringing my parents in for P/T conferences